For guests who plan their own itinerary and want to get to know the country and culture better, we are happy to arrange highly qualified, local English – speaking tour guiding. Thanks to our many years of experience, we have a database of German-speaking tour guides who can make your stay in Georgia more interesting and enjoyable.
To book this service for tour guiding in Georgie with us, please use the form below and send us a message with the following information:
Please note that your request must be received by us at least 30 days prior to your arrival. We will endeavour to resolve all organisational issues regarding the tour guide for Georgia as quickly as possible and provide you with all the important information.
Wir sind immer bereit, Ihre Fragen zu beantworten. Schicken Sie uns eine Nachricht oder rufen Sie uns an:
Tel: +995 599 – 495-595